Thursday, January 17, 2008

Summer Glau is the Terminator Babe

Hot Summer Glau is probably the sexiest woman alive. Just look at her perfect smile.

Who could help but fall in love with her? Oh, Summer Glau. How I would gently massage your neck with my tongue. OK, so I suck as a poet.

Summer Glau is the Jennifer Love Hewitt deliciousness with an addiction to action. And she looks like she eats her meals. I have something for Summer Glau to eat, but... Oh, I shouldn't go there.

I can't wait for the next episode of the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I don't even care if the show sucks or not. I'll watch a marathon of dull, poorly written TV if it means catching a glimplse of Summer Glau's alabaster cleavage. So far the show seems halfway decent.

I need to keep my eye on this hottie that was born on July 24, 1981 in San Antonio, Texas. I would surrender the Alamo to Summer Glau.Did you know Summer Glau is a dancer?

You do now. Thank me in American Currency.

See Summer Glau in the Terminator series. I command it! If you don't agree that Summer Glau is the Hottest Terminator Babe, you are not a good person.